Back Issues
Back issues of Rain and Thunder are available for $7/issue (in the US) or $10/issue (international). They can be ordered by sending a list of requested issues and payment to:
Rain and Thunder, PO Box 674, Northampton, MA 01061
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For earlier issues of Rain and Thunder, please contact us for availability.
Issue 81 (Summer 2023): Themed Issue on Young Radical Women
Featured articles:- Grasping Things at the Root: On Young Women and Radical Feminism by Claire Heuchan
- Kicking the Habit: Ditching My Smartphone as Feminist Practice by Tiffany del Valle
- Inclusion is Not a Desirable Goal for Feminism by Madhulika Agarwal
- A Letter to the Young Woman I Once Was (And Still Am) by Adriana S. Thiago for Radical Girlsss
- How the Internet Weaponizes Our Internalized Misogyny by A. Muller
- Maintaining the Rage by Renate Klein
- How China's Young Feminists are Embracing and Supporting One Another by Wanqing Chen

Issue 80 (January 2023): Open Issue
Featured articles:- The Silencing of Women's Voices: Doxxing and Online Harassment of Radical Feminists by Liss Vincent
- "This Is More Than Just About the Hijab": How the Death of Mahsa Amini Sparked A Feminist Revolution in Iran by Yousra Samir Imran
- The Dangers of Purity: Feminism, Language, and Abortion Rights by Deborah Cameron
- The Wanderground Lesbian Archive and Library: A Rain and Thunder Interview with Mev Miller
- Beauty Practices as Harmful Cultural Practices by Heather MacLean
- The Structure of Women's Movements by Dianne Post
- Terra Viva: My Life in a Biodiversity of Movements - Vandana Shiva in Conversation with Susan Hawthorne

Issue 79 (Summer 2022): Art and Revolution Issue
Featured articles:- Indignadas/Outraged Women by Maria Maria Acha-Kutscher
- Embracing Everyday Creativity by Paula Mariedaughter
- On Radical Subjectivity in the Self Portraits Of Claude Cahun by Jocelyn Crawley
- Documenting Border Barriers by Pamela Dodds
- Art of Revolution by Billie Miracle with Carol Newhouse
- Teaching Art as Feminist Revolutionary Praxis by Batya Weinbaum
- The Brief, Complete Herstory Series: A Rain and Thunder Interview with Renee Gerlich
- Recreating the World: Revolutionary Lesbian Art and Radical Feminist Activism by Jean Taylor

Issue 78 (Winter 2021): Open Issue
Featured articles:- RAWA Responds to the Taliban Takeover: An Interview by Afghan Women's Mission
- Sounding the Alarm on Male Violence Against Women by Rena Grasso
- Is Hating Women a Crime? by Dianne Post
- Climate Change is a Feminist Issue by Victoria Brownworth
- Interview with Yasmin Morais from Vulva Negra: A Brazilian Anti-Racist Feminist Uprising by Raquel Rosario Sanchez
- Spinning and Weaving: Radical Feminism for the 21st Century by Elizabeth Miller
- Playing with Fire by Giovanna Capone

Issue 77 (Spring/Summer 2021): The Intergenerational Issue
Featured articles:- When Will I Be Young? by Yagmur Uygarkizi
- Intergenerational Lesbians: How Can We Learn from Each Other? by Jenna Weston
- Find Them Where They Are by Jen Rowray
- Creating and Celebrating Stronger Communities: The Intergenerational Lesbian Community Gathering by Lisa Trost
- In Praise of Older Women: A Love Letter to My Big Sisters by Claire Heuchan
- Ideological Opposition: The Core Conflict Complicating Intergenerational Connection by Jocelyn Crawley
- Going Forward by Looking Back by Heather MacLean
- Building Radical Feminist Bridges Through Time and Space by Jasmin and Bev Jo

Issue 76 (Winter 2020): Open Issue
Featured articles:- Amazons: Fact, Fable, Feminism by Rena Grasso
- Just Admit You Don't Care if We Die by Jessica Williams
- From Homophobia to Homoantagonism: What the Evolution of a Word Shows Radical Lesbians about Patriarchy and Male Violence by Jocelyn Crawley
- Let's Rebuild Beirut as the Arab Region's First Feminist City by Rachel Dore-Weeks and Lina Abirafeh
- COVID-19 and the Crisis in Residential Aged Care in Australia by Jean Taylor
- Rape, Shame and Women by Tina Minkowitz
- Abortion Without Borders: Standing with Polish Women by Merle Hoffman

Issue 75 (Summer 2020): Open Issue
Featured articles:- Global Feminist Perspectives on the Pandemic: What 'Normal' Do We Expect When the Crisis is Over? by European Network of Migrant Women
- Revolving Doors: My Short COVID Career by Suzanne Sunshower
- Bridging the Divide: Intergenerational Lesbian Organizing by Rehana Nazerali-Ruddy and Mary McClintock
- Organizing for the ERA in Arizona by Dianne Post
- Some Thoughts On Street Harassment And Patriarchy Or, Why I Have Become A Nasty Woman by Jocelyn Crawley
- Reflections on 50 Years of Uncovering Women's Suppressed Histories by Max Dashu
- Women-In-Print: The Face of Radical Feminism by Beth Dingman
- In Solidarity with Cuba: My Week in Havana with Code Pink by Emily Greene

Issue 74 (Spring 2020): Themed Issue on Women's Self-Defense
Featured articles:- The Right to Worth by Amy Schmidt
- Preserving Their Fire: Native Women Teaching Self-Defense at Turtle Mountain by Kim Rivers
- Rape Culture, Hannah Gadsby, and Why Women Need Self-Defense by Rachel Collins
- Creating a Safer World for Women: A Rain and Thunder Interview with ESD Global Founder and President Yehudit Sidikman
- Separate Space as Self-Defense for Womyn by Jocelyn Crawley
- Self-Defense as an Essential Part of Feminism by Nancy Jane Moore
- Empowerment Self-Defense: A Vital Pillar in the Global Refugee Reponse by Negar Tayyar

Issue 73 (Fall 2019): Open Issue
Featured articles:- Why I Speak Up: Young Women, Radical Feminism and Silence by Ianka Mitchell-Conway
- Standing Rock: An Epic Battle for Mother Earth by Rena Grasso
- My Heart Was Ripped Out: Domestic Violence and the Shattering of Motherhood by Kalena
- #SpaceWoC: Women of Color Against the Sex Trade by Claire Heuchan
- Preserving Bay Area Lesbian Legacies -- A Rain and Thunder Interview with Bay Area Lesbian Archives Members Lenn Keller and Rebecca Silverstein
- Our Country Women, Our Sisters: Sex, Sexism, and the Enslavement of Human (Re)Production by Donovan Cleckley
- Where Has All the Feminism Gone? Teaching Contemporary Women's and Gender Studies by Batya Weinbaum
- Women-In-Print: The Face of Radical Feminism -- Part 2 by Beth Dingman

Issue 72 (Summer 2019): Themed Issue on Global Feminism
Featured articles:- The Radical Power of Online Radical Feminist Movements in South Korea by Jimin Nam
- Feminist Uprising: Radical Feminist Organizing in South Korea -- A Rain and Thunder Interview with Hyejung Park, Jihye Kuk, and Caroline Norma
- War Games: The Many Guises of Male Brutality by Thain Parnell
- Fighting Period Poverty and Increasing the Knowledge of Girls in Kenya by Lorna Wanyama
- The Fight Against Sexual Violence: What We Can Learn from the Women's Revolution in Syria by Rahila Gupta
- Australia's Pathwork of Prostitution Laws: Combatting the Sex Trade and Advocating for the Nordic Model by the Coalition Against Trafficking in Women Australia
- La Porta: A Land for Women in Italy -- A Rain and Thunder Interview with La Porta Members Ana Cuenca and Cecilia Diotto

Issue 71 (Winter 2018): Open Issue with Special 20th Anniversary Highlights
Featured articles:- Herstory Lives Here by Kim Rivers
- Radical Feminism She Wrote: The Rain and Thunder Collective Reflects on 20 Years of Publishing
- Long May They Continue: Radical Feminist Publications in the USA by Jean Taylor
- She Spoke: A Tribute in Gratitude To Dr. Christine Blasey Ford by Michelle de Beixedon
- Why Didn't I Learn This in My Gender Studies Class? The Search for Radical Feminist Knowledge by Heather Lynk
- Bad Medicine: A Narrative on the Healthcare Industry and the Politics of Trauma by Forest Gray
- Traumatic Memory: A Hidden Disability by Kate Rose
- Women-In-Print: The Face of Radical Feminism by Beth Dingman

Issue 70 (Summer 2018): Themed Issue on Creative Writing
Featured articles:- The Wild Poet's Manifesto by Susan Hawthorne
- Ursula Le Guin: An Inspiration for Women Writers of Fiction by Batya Weinbaum
- A Dead Feminist Saves a Victim of Child Sexual Abuse by Nayoung Kim
- 52 Pickup: A Ten Minute Play by Carolyn Gage
- Anatomy of a Rape Trial by Suzanne Sunshower
- Dancing with Audre Lorde: A Lesbian Memory by Victoria Brownworth
- Turn the Key: An Interview with Virginia Woolf by Elena Georgiou

Issue 69 (Winter 2018): Tribute Issue
Honoring the Women Who Have Touched Our Lives- With Tributes to Christy Amschler, Jackie Anderson, Rita Arditti, Gwen Avery, Lisa Bellear, Alicia D'Amico, olivia free-woman, Louise Griffin, Lois Hart, Patricia Highsmith, Marti Kheel, Blue Lunden, Barbara Macdonald, Kate Millett, Maureen O'Connor, Julia Penelope, Joanna Russ, Anne Stafford, and Irene Weiss
- Plus articles, interviews, book reviews, feminist hotline, and more!

Issue 68 (Fall 2017): Resistance in the Age of Trump
Featured articles:- Resisting Trump: From Passive Bystander to Interventionist by Connie Phillips
- The Impact of One Woman's Actions: A Letter to Radical Feminist Activists by Mary McClintock
- Feminism and Labor Are Critical Parts in the Growing Resistance Against Trump and Right-Wing Misogyny by Lane Windham
- 100 Days of Trump and Resistance From Grassroots Women's Groups by Yifat Susskind
- Reclaiming Our Democracy: Resistance and Renewal by Emily Arasim
- 'Resistance as Daily Existence': One Woman's Story as a Climate Scientist Under Trump by Elizabeth Shogren
- Sign of the Times: Messages of Resistance from the Women's March by Kim Rivers

Issue 67 (Spring 2017): Open Issue
Featured articles:- Goodbye to All That #3 by Robin Morgan
- The Amazing Disappearing 'Women' by Debbie Cameron
- Ecofeminist Consciousness Raising: Firing Up the Revolution by Jeanne Neath and Paula Mariedaughter
- Bloodroot Restaurant: A Vegetarian, Feminist Haven Celebrates 40 Years -- A Rain and Thunder Interview with Selma Miriam and Noel Furie
- Lesbians at the Heart of the Movement to End Men's Violence by Lepa Mladjenovic
- Your Silence Will Not Protect You: Racism in the Feminist Movement by Claire Heuchan
- The Voice of Berta Caceres Has Become the Voice of Millions by Daysi Flores

Issue 66 (Fall 2016): Lesbians and Lesbian Community Issue
Featured articles:
- Lesbian Quarters Revised: On Building Space, Identity, Institutional Memory and Resources by Elana Dykewomon
- The Black Lesbian Writers You Need to be Reading by Lisa C. Moore
- The Lesbian Herstory Archives: A Grassroots, Lesbian Cultural Creation -- A Rain and Thunder Interview with Co-Founder Joan Nestle
- Lesbians and Disability: Opening Another Closet by Victoria Brownworth
- Notes of a Feminist Lesbian in Wartime by Lepa Mladjenovic
- Finding the Lesbian Witches by Mary McClintock
- Lesbianism and Selfhood: An Exploration of a Contemporary Chinese Woman's Novel by Xue Wei

Issue 65 (Summer 2016): Nature and the Environment Issue
Featured articles:
- Ending Capitalist Patriarchy: Subsistence, Resistance, Ecofeminist Transformation by Jeanne F. Neath
- Environmental Racism: A Letter from New Mexico to Flint by Beata Tsosie-Pena
- Women, Sustainability, & Climate Change: An Interview with Asoka Bandarage by Genny LaMorgan
- The Original Tree Huggers: Let Us Not Forget Their Sacrifice by Rucha Chitnis
- Once in a Hundred Years: Revisiting a Super Typhoon Site by Ninotchka Rosca
- African Women Organize to Reclaim Agriculture Against Corporate Takeover by Mphatheleini Makaulele

Issue 64 (Winter/Spring 2016): Open Issue
Featured articles:
- Waking Up to Rape Culture in Asheville by Heather Laine Talley
- Women Belong with Music by Tamar Dina
- Refugee Crisis: Where Are the Safe Havens for Women by Jackie Turner
- In Our Global Economy, Patriarchy Has Been Reborn in New Ways by Beatrix Campbell & Rahila Gupta
- Fay Blaney: Organizer, Advocate, Warrior Woman -- An Interview by Jess Martin
- Vancouver Women Taking Back the Night by Daisy Kler
- Herbal Wellness for Radical Feminists by Rita Franz

Issue 63 (Fall 2015): Spirituality Issue
Featured articles:
- Testify by Vanita Leatherwood
- Reclaiming the Spooky: Matilda Joslyn Gage and Mary Daly as Radical Pioneers of the Esoteric by Marguerite Rigoglioso
- Jewish Feminist Ritual by Vanessa Ochs
- Bring Back That Old-Time Religion by Kay Golden
- We'Moon: A Groundswell of Women's Spirituality, Creativity and Culture -- A Rain and Thunder Interview with Bethroot Gwynn and Sue Burns
- Wanting to Be Indian: When Spiritual Searching Turns into Cultural Theft by Myke Johnson
- The Seven Deadly Sins and How to Bring More of Them into Your Life by Carolyn Gage

Issue 62 (Summer 2015): Open Issue
Featured articles:
- Minding Our Language by Debbie Cameron
- Bosnia Women's Court: A Feminist Approach to Justice -- An Interview with Karima Bennoune by Peace is Loud
- Caught Between the Misogynies of India and Indiana: The Tragic Case of Purvi Patel by Nayomi Munaweera
- Reproductive Sovereignty or Bust! by Carol Downer
- On Being a Fat Female by Christine Donofrio
- Feminism Betrayed: Putting Women in a World of Hurt by Kay Golden
- Women's Power to Stop War: Rereading Virginia Woolf by Jennifer Allsopp

Issue 61 (Winter/Spring 2015): Creativity Issue
Featured articles:
- Celebrating the Creativity of Second Wave Feminism by Rena Grasso
- Consciousness and Creativity by Megan Carlin
- Spiderwoman Theater: Evolution and Transformation by Spiderwoman Theater
- Aging into Full Creativity by Helen Redman
- Quilting: A Visual Story of One Dyke's Life by Paula Mariedaughter
- Sculpting the Unseen by Miriam Fougere
- Painting Through Trauma by Batya Weinbaum

Issue 60 (Fall/Winter 2014): Themed Issue on Violence Against Women: Strategizing a Radical Response for the 21st Century
Featured articles:
- Why Consent Is Not Enough by C.K. Egbert
- A Man's Possession: Pornography and Rape by Samantha Grey
- The Rise of Technology-Facilitated Stalking by Delanie Woodlock
- Collective Resistance: The Grassroots Work of Vancouver Rape Relief and Women's Shelter: A Rain and Thunder Interview with Collective Members Hilla Kerner and Maria Wong
- How to Start an Independent Advocacy Center to End Violence Against Women by Marie De Santis
- Whose Streets? Our Streets! Mobilizing to Stop Violence Against Disabled Women by Philippa Willitts
- Crossing the Rapelands: A One-Woman Show by Carolyn Gage

Issue 59 (Summer 2014): Open Issue
Featured articles:
- Feminism: We Are Not Calling for Equal Inequality by Finn Mackay
- Women EcoWarriors by Vandana Shiva
- Why the Trans-Pacific Partnership is a Feminist Issue by the Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development
- The Failing State of Native American Women's Health: An Interview with Charon Asetoyer by the Center for American Progress
- Standing Our Ground: Reproductive Justice for Marissa Alexander by Monica Simpson
- Have Fun So We Do Not Go Mad in Male Supremacist Heterosexual Amerika: Lesbian-Feminist Poetry in The Furies by Julie R. Enszer
- Decolonizing Women's History: An Interview with Max Dashu by Meghan Murphy

Issue 58 (Winter/Spring 2014): Feminist Humor Issue
Featured articles:
- The Power of Women's Humor: From Supreme Court Justices to Comedy Stars by Regina Barreca
- When Wisdom Speaks Sparks Fly: Raging Grannies Perform Humor as Protest by Carole Roy
- Jan Eliot at 60, Stone Soup at 18: A Cartoonist Profile by Roz Warren
- Got Humor? Tools and Inspiration for Your Activist Toolkit by Mary McClintock
- Humor: It's An Attitude -- A Rain and Thunder Interview with Lesbian Comic Kate Clinton
- Antidote to Dominance: Women's Laughter as Counteraction by Nancy Reincke
- Who Says Radical Feminists Aren't Funny? A Glimpse of Activism from the 1980's by Ann J. Simonton

Issue 57 (Fall 2013): Open Issue
Featured articles:
- DHS, Give Us Back Our Children: Feminists Organizing to Protect Children From Child Protective Services by Pat Gowens
- Dedevilled Words: Reading the Radical Feminist Poetry of Meena Kandasamy by Sutapa Chaudhuri
- The Trafficking of Native Women in Minnesota by Christine Stark
- Trayvon and George: Why This Case Is Really About Women by Kelly Macias
- Unleashing the Lesbian Imagination: A Rain and Thunder Interview with Playwright Carolyn Gage
- Women in Resistance: Seeking Justice for Genocide and Defending Our Lands by Dianne Post

Issue 56 (Spring 2013): Global Feminist Activism Issue
Featured articles:
- Zimbabwe: Speaking From Where I Feel Safe by Betty Makoni
- Fighting for Women's Rights in Afghanistan: A Rain and Thunder Interview with RAWA
- The Connection Between Global Economy Policy and Violence Against Women by Dr. Vandana Shiva
- Spinifex Press: Sustaining a Global Feminist Network by Susan Hawthorne and Renate Klein
- Feminist Activism in Argentina by Estelle Disch
- Hear Their Voices: Working with Prostituted and Vulnerable Women in India by Bobbi Ausubel
- Challenging Racism Down Under by Jean Taylor

Issue 55 (Fall/Winter 2012): Themed Issue on Age and Aging
Featured articles:
- Ruminations of an Old Lezzie by Lavender
- A Movement of Their Own: Voices of Young Feminist Activists in the London Feminist Network by Finn Mackay
- Two Old Women: Making Home by Marjory Nelson
- Age Matters by Alda Facio
- Disability, Dependence, and Old Age: Problematic Constructions by Sharon-Dale Stone
- Ageism: Ten Ways to Fight It by Roxanne Friedenfels
- Barbara Macdonald: A Pioneer Theorist on Ageism by Jan Adams

Issue 54 (Spring/Summer 2012): Open Issue
Featured articles:
- 'Femicide'-- The Power of a Name by Diana E.H. Russell
- Looking Both Ways: Women's Lives at the Crossroads of Reproductive Justice and Climate Justice by Asian Communities for Reproductive Justice
- Naming Survival by Lesa Lockford
- We Saw Each Other by Judy Grahn
- Women in Debt: The Sex Industry Trap by Angel K.
- A Call for Radical Solidarity: A Feminist Lesbian Position on Prostitution by Erin Graham, Jacqueline Gullion, and Kathleen Piovesan
- Black Herstory: The Founders of the Feminist Party by Janell Hobson

Issue 53 (Winter/Spring 2012): Activism Issue
Featured articles:
- The Occupy Movement and the Women of Greenham Common by Rebecca Johnson
- Occupying the Occupy Movement by Robin Morgan
- Women's Services in the Twenty-First Century: Where Are We Heading? by Marie Hume, Elspeth McInnes, Kathryn Rendell, and Betty Green, WEAVE
- Okinawa Women Organizing Against Military Violence: A Rain and Thunder Interview with Suzuyo Takazato
- The Women's Liberation Diaries by Wendy Suiter
- Our Little Light: Letter from a Young Activist by Lindsey Hennawi
- Stories Matter: How to Power Up Your Activism by Thaler Pekar

Issue 52 (Fall 2011): Positive Issue
Featured articles:
- If You Listen, You Can Hear Us in Revolt by Erin Graham
- Building a Gestalt by Ninotchka Rosca
- Now I Get How This Works: How Radical Feminism Changed My Life by Patricia Barrera
- Expanding Our Amazing Web: A Rain and Thunder Interview with Maize Editor Jae Haggard
- Shifting the Gaze: The Personal is Political by Itoro Udofia
- Musings From a Radical Feminist Heart by Leslene della-Madre
- Rethinking Positive: Women, Individualism, and Collective Consciousness by Kim Rivers

Issue 51 (Summer 2011): Open Issue
Featured articles:- Walking on the Moon by Elana Dykewomon
- The Prison [Poetry] Outreach Project by Suzanne Sunshower
- What's the Point of the Revolution If We Can't Dance? by Jane Barry and Jelena Djordjevic
- Unmaking War, Remaking Men: A Rain and Thunder Interview with Kathleen Barry
- In America Being Poor Is a Criminal Offense by Rania Khalek
- Women Working for Women by Maria Maria Acha
- Poetic Politics: A Rain and Thunder Interview with Poet and Activist Marjorie Norris
- Preserving Our Women's Liberation and Lesbian Feminist Herstory by Jean Taylor

Issue 50 (Spring 2011): Disability Issue
Featured articles:
- Rights, Realities, and Issues of Women with Disabilities by Laura Hershey
- Confronting the Sexual Abuse of Women with Disabilities by R. Amy Elman
- On Claiming My Movement: Disability and Reproductive Justice by Mia Mingus
- Some Tips for Activist Groups: How to Be More Inclusive to People with Disabilities by Jennifer Robinson
- What's a Leg Got to Do With It? Black, Female, and Disabled in America by Donna R. Walton
- Disability and Diversity: Challenges to Normalization and Sameness by Susan Hawthorne
- Devoted: A Feminist Analysis of Disability Fetishism by Philippa Willitts

Issue 49 (Winter 2010): Annual Activism Issue
Featured articles:
- In Memory of Frances Ann Day: A Rain and Thunder Tribute
- Fighting the Black Anti-Abortion Campaign: Trusting Black Women by Loretta J. Ross
- Are We Ready to Throw Our Weight Around? Fat Studies and Political Activism by Deb Burgard, Elana Dykewomon, Esther Rothblum and Pattie Thomas
- Reality Bites Back: A Rain and Thunder Interview with Media Activist Jennifer Pozner
- Sharing the Joy of Resistance Through Radio by Fran Luck
- The Revolutionary is the One Who Begins Again by Erin Graham
- A Circle of Women: Transforming Power, Building Peace by Edie Daly
- The Depoliticisation of Women's Rights by Jennifer Drew

Issue 48 (Fall 2010): Open Issue
Featured articles:
- Her Red Blood: Alix Dobkin Speaks About Her Life and Politics --
A Rain and Thunder Interview - Invisible Victims of Terror by Rafia Zakaria
- Why Didn't You Fight Back? by Harriet J.
- Indigenous Feminism Without Apology by Andrea Smith
- Free Lunches, Diets, and Hunger: Suburban American Style by Kirsten Anderberg
- Talking to Kate Millett in Madrid by Silvia Cuevas-Morales
- "Sex is Not Work and Our Bodies are Not for Sale" Speech by Ruchira Gupta from the 4th World Forum on Human Rights
- As Far as We Can Go: Mary Daly's Memorial and Beyond
by Kim Rivers

Issue 47 (Summer 2010): Themed Issue on Class
Featured articles:
- Honoring the Life and Work of Wilma Mankiller
- 'fRising with the Masses': Women of Color Challenging Power -- An Interview with Meizhu Lui by Masum Momaya
- Classism by Bev Jo
- Once You've Been Homeless, You Can Never Go Back by Kirsten Anderberg
- Coming Out About Money: Cost Sharing Across Class Lines by Felice Yeskel
- Talking Class from a Working Class Lesbian Perspective: An Interview with Jean Frances

Issue 46 (Spring 2010): Open Issue
Featured articles:
- The Courage to Sin Big: A Mary Daly Tribute -- Women Reflect and Share on the Life and Work of Mary Daly
- Not For Sale: Challenging Pimp Culture by Rachel Lloyd
- Prison Life: A Day by Marilyn Buck
- The Revolution Within the Revolution: Feminist Organizing in the Young Lords Party -- An Interview with Iris Morales by Jennifer Fasulo
- Torture in the Domestic Sphere From a Relational Feminist Perspective by Jeanne Sarson and Linda MacDonald
- Matriarchies as Societies of Peace by Heide Goettner-Abendroth
- Cleanup Time and The Mirror by Fazeela Jiwa
Issue 45 (Winter 2009): Annual Activism Issue
Featured articles:
- Activism as a Disabled Womon by Philippa Willitts
- "Fierce Indigenous Love": Fighting for Her Sisters -- An Interview with Aboriginal Radical Feminist Laura Holland
- Twin Oaks: Not the Revolution But You Can See it From Here by Valerie LivingWater
- Lone Radical Feminist Actions by Diana Russell
- Forty Years of Activism by Jean Taylor
- The Other Side of Activism: Withdrawal as a Radical Act of Defiance by Kim Rivers

Issue 44 (Fall 2009): Media Issue
Featured articles:
- From Stepford Wives to Stepford Sluts: How Media Constructs Femininity by Gail Dines
- Media Matters by Karla Mantilla and Jennie Ruby
- A (Bad) 'Habit of Thinking': Challenging and Changing a Pornographic Worldview by Jane Caputi
- Once Were Lesbian Feminist and Radical Feminist Periodicals by Jean Taylor
- Radical Feminism on the Web: The Carnival of Radical Feminists by Samantha Berg
- The Power of Song: A Look at the New Song Library -- An Interview with Johanna Halbeisen
- 20 Ways to Be a Media Activist by The Media Education Foundation
Issue 43 (Summer 2009): Survival Issue
Featured articles:
- Lives of Courage: Women Surviving Globally by Dianne Post
- "Me, I'm a Camera": African Women Making Change by Ann Jones
- Daring to Thrive in Patriarchy by Leslene della Madre
- Thoughts From a Surviving Feminist Artist by Ani Rose Whaleswan
- Surviving Through Literature & Feminism -- A Personal Testimony by Silvia Cuevas-Morales
- Fighting Legislated Sexual Servitude: An Interview with Danielle Cormier
- My Sister, My Survival by Nayiree Roubinian
Issue #42, Spring Equinox 2009: Open Issue
Featured articles:
- Taking Aim at the Global Sex Trade: An Interview with Sheila Jeffreys
- The Meanings of Goddess by Max Dashu
- Justice for the Women of Juarez: An Interview with Carmen Vasquez Sierra
- Exposing the Child Welfare Empire to Celebrate International Women's Day by Pat Gowens
- Feminism and the Politics of Appearance by Amy Winter
- Gender Neutral Language and Male Violence by Jennifer Drew
Issue #41, Winter Solstice 2008: Annual Activism Issue
Featured articles:
- Reviving Feminism by Rafia Zakaria
- Not for Sale: The Activist Road to Abolition by Garine Roubinian
- Merging Art and Activism for Abolition: An Interview with Lee Lakeman
- On the Frontlines: An Interview with Cherry Smiley
- Abolishing Prostitution: The Swedish Solution -- An Interview with Gunilla Ekberg
- Gender as a Hate Crime by Dianne Post
- Lighting the Fire by Kim Rivers
Issue #40, Autumn Equinox 2008: 10 Year Anniversary Issue
Issue #39, Summer Solstice 2008: On Body and Size Oppression
Featured articles:
- A Fat Women's Problem Solving Group: Radical Change by the Fat Women's Problem Solving Group
- Ageism, Gravity, and Gender: Experiences of Aging Bodies by Toni Calasanti
- 'Body Art' and Social Status: Cutting, Tattooing, and Piercing from a Feminist Perspective by Sheila Jeffreys
- The Politics of Body Hair by Anji Capes
- Body Beautiful/Body Perfect -- Challenging the Status Quo: Where Do Women with Disabilities Fit In? by Francine Odette
- Women's Campaign to End Body Hatred and Dieting by Jane Hirschmann and Carol Munter
Issue #38, Spring Equinox 2008: Open Issue

- What is Liberation? Feminism Past, Present, and Future by Gail K. Golden
- Stop Abortion? Fix Men! by Twiss Butler
- Historic Convening of Native American Women by Suzanne Sunshower
- Mad, Not Angry by Alunaye
- A Summary of the Zapatista Women's Gathering by Eugenia Gutiérrez
- Journeys of a Lesbian Rhythmist by Kathlean Wolf
- In the Service of the Truth: Remembering Barbara MacDonald by Lise Weil
Issue #37, Winter Solstice 2007: Annual Activism Issue
Featured articles:
- Heteropatriarchy: Globalisation, the Institution of Heterosexuality and Lesbians by Susan Hawthorne
- Sweden Treating Prostitution as Violence Against Women by Marie De Santis
- Memoirs of an Academic Career by Batya Weinbaum
- Real Women, Global Vision: An Interview with Max Dashu
- The Roots of My Real Name by Carol Chehade
- Self-Defense: One Dyke's Journey to Self-Love by Kim Rivers
- Women Writing Digitally: Online Activism Compiled by Amy Winter
- Trafficking, Prostitution, Pornography: A Play in Three Acts, In Review by Pamela Foohey
Issue #36, Autumn Equinox 2007: Open Issue

- Putting Power Back Into Empowerment by Srilatha Batliwala
- Whose Rights Are We Talking About: Legalised Prostitution by Mary Lucille Sullivan
- Writing the Black (W)hole: Facing the Feminist Void by Zetta Elliott
- Why We Don't Fight and What Happens When We Do: The New Jersey Lesbian Four by Nicole M.
- A Visible Invisibility and Bucking an Anti-Terror Law by Ninotchka Rosca
- The Women of Color Art Exhibit on Violence Against Women by Anoush Ter Taulian
- Remembering a Long Ago Promise: Thoughts and Memories from a Feminist Hullaballoo by Kim Rivers
- Art Meets Politics: How Judy Chicago's Dinner Party Came to Brooklyn by Gail Levin
- Women Writing Digitally: Fighting the Online Culture of Hate by Amy Winter
Issue #35, Summer Solstice 2007: On Spinsterhood
Featured articles:
- Entering the Unknown: The Mystery of the Spinster by Kim Rivers
- Interindependence: A New Concept in Relationships by Dianne Post
- Swing Out Spinster by Barbara Ellen
- On Being Single by Ruth Mountaingrove
- Women Writing Digitally: On Spinsterhood compiled by Amy's Brain Today and Kya Ogyn
- Self-Combers and Sisters: China's Marriage Resisters by Ruthanne Lum McCunn
- The Spinsters Are Coming! A Dykefeminism Listserv Discussion
- An Army of Spinsters by Yoshi Bird
Issue #34, Spring Equinox 2007: On Women's Writing and Literature

- Flying Away From Patriarchy: The Importance of Women's Fiction by Katherine Roussos
- Metaphors: Women in Prostitution as Absent Referents by Breeze R. Daniels
- Revolutionary Women Writers of Central America: Poetics, Praxis, and Politics by Melissa Hussain
- Giving Voice to Chinese American Women by Judy Yung
- Feminist Ink by Golbarg Bashi
- Women Writing Digitally: Radical Feminism in the Information Age compiled by Amy's Brain Today and spotted elephant
- 30 Years of Sinister Wisdom: In Review by Ruth Mountaingrove
Issue #33, Winter Solstice 2006: Annual Activism Issue
Featured articles:
- Fighting for the Lives of Women and Children in Poverty: An Interview with Pat Gowens and the Welfare Warriors
- Mentoring within the Radical Lesbian Feminist Community: From the Dykefeminism Discussion Listserv
- "Ain't I A Human?" by Breeze R. Daniels
- Women's Lives, an American's Eyes: Joining Forces with Russian, Cambodian, and Roma Women by Dianne Post
- The Terrorists Who Aren't in the News by Jennifer Pozner
- Getting the "F" Out of Us by Sheila Anne
- Rage for Justice by Ninotchka Rosca
Issue #32, Fall Equinox 2006: Open Issue

- To Say The Things That Immigrants Do Not Say by Inhui Lee
- In Among the Market Forces? By Gillian Hanscombe
- A Call to Action for the Women’s Movement and Everyone Who Cares About Women’s Lives
- Lifting the Veil: No End to Suffering – An Interview with the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)
- Speeches from the Andrea Dworkin Commemorative Conference
- Fourth Wave Manifesto by Helen Caddes
- In Review Pornified: How Pornography is Transforming Our Lives, Our Relationships, and Our Families by Pamela Paul, reviewed by Amy Winter
Issue #31, Summer Solstice 2006: Open Issue
Featured articles:
- In Memoriam: Maria Jose Urruzola by Silvia Cuevas-Morales
- Pornography and Civil Rights by Dianne Post
- I’m Sick of Heterosexism by Amy Winter
- Hands off Liza Maza by Gabriela Network USA
- Art History Reversed by Karen Henninger
- The Politics of Assimilation: Are We Really ‘Family Too’? by Bronwyn Winter
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: A First Person Story by Paula Caplan
Issue #30, Spring Equinox 2006: Herstory Issue

- 35th Anniversary of the Suppressed Histories Archives by Max Dashu
- Days of Celebration and Resistance: The Chicago Women’s Liberation Rock Band, 1970-1973 by Naomi Wesstein
- My Family Women (in Five Thousand Years of Diaspora) by Inhui Lee
- Thou Shalt Not Suffer a Woman to Live: The Reasons Behind the Hiding of Women’s Sexuality During the Witchcraze by Shantell Powell
- Chant Down Greenham: Songs from the Women’s Peace Movement
- The Women Before Us: Herstorical Activism Remembered by Garine Roubinian
Issue #29,Winter Solstice 2005: Annual Activism Issue
Featured articles:
- New Orleans and Women of Color: Connecting the Personal and Political by Janelle L. White
- Activism Makes the World Go Round by Susan Hawthorne
- Voting for the Least of all Evils by Judith K. Witherow
- Come on N.O.W.: Make Known Your Stand on Pornography by J. Robinson
- Lesbian Rights, Children’s Rights by Carolyn Gage
- Is Activism a “Natural” Vocation? By Pat Gowens
- “Tell Them to Come with Fire in Their Bellies:” An Interview with Joan Norman
- The Zimbabwe Women’s Resource Center & Network’s Journey by Shereen Essof and Hope Chigudu
Issue #28: Fall Equinox 2005: Open Issue

- South Dakota: Killing Ground for Choice by Suzanne Sunshower
- The Revolution Will Not Be Funded by Andrea del Moral
- What Did We Gain from the Women’s Liberation Movement? A Response from a Radical Lesbian Feminist of the 21st Century by Lisa Garrett
- Over the Hill and Out of Sight by Janice Keaffaber
- Read ID: Perpetuating the Myth of Authenticity by Laura Newland
- The Fat Patrol’s Greatest Hits: Songs to Celebrate Fat Women
- Andrea Dworkin and the United States Constitution by Lila Lee
Issue #27, Summer Solstice 2005: Remembering Andrea Dworkin

Issue #26, Spring Equinox 2005: Global Feminism

- From Greenham to Menwith: The Women’s Peace Campaign at Menwith Hill by Finn MacKay
- Why I Am Not Taking Part in These Phony Elections by Houzan Mahmoud
- The Importance of Solidarity with Women’s Liberation in the Middle East: An Interview with Jennifer Fasulo of Solidarity with Organization of Women’s Freedom in Iraq
- Why Feminist Autonomy Now? by Patricia McFadden
- The Portuguese Diary: Women on Waves in Portugal by Women on Waves
- Murder in Juarez and Beyond by Dannah Baynton
- Societal Context of Violence Against Women in San Cristobal de Las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico by Monica Sandschafer
- Women and Children are Not For Sale: Posters from Busan Biennale by Guerrilla Girls on Tour
Issue #25, Winter Solstice 2004: Annual Activism Issue
Featured articles:
- Putting the “Liberation” Back in the Women’s Liberation Movement by Tanya Brannan
- A Feminist Passion: The Struggle in Spain by Elvira Siurana
- Nuts and Bolts of the Old Women’s Project by the Old Women’s Project
- Defeating Measure Q: The Fight Against Sexual Exploitation by Garine Roubinian
- On Being a Radical Feminist by Karen Henninger
- No More Racist Reproductive Policies! By Racism and Reproductive Rights Task Force
- Librema: Envisioning a Women’s Country: An Interview with Lierre Keith
- Returning Radical Lesbian Feminism to Lesbian Culture by Amy Winter
Issue #24, Fall Equinox 2004: Open Issue
Featured articles:
- The Politics of Lesbian-Only Space by Christy Burbridge
- The Invisibility of Women Prisoners’ Resistance by Vikki Law
- Women, Terrorism and the Male State by Garine Roubinian
- Lidia Falcon: Spain’s Most Outspoken Feminist by Silvia Cuevas-Morales
- Why Ageism is an Old Women’s Issue by the Old Women’s Project
- Writing as Resistance, Writing as Love by Joanna Kadi
- Why We’re Not Getting Married by Martha Ackelsberg and Judith Plaskow
- Effective Self-Defense For Women Means a Combination of Skills by Laura Kamienski
- Finding the Goddess by Asphodel Long
- What Every Menstruating Woman Needs to Know by the Blood Sisters Project
Issue #23, Summer Solstice 2004: Building Community
Featured articles:
- Empathy and Antiracist Feminist Coalitional Politics by Maggie Caygill and Pavitra Sundar
- Sparking Revolutions in Minds and Hearts: In Conversation with Grrrl Zine Editors from around the World by Elke Zobl
- Consciousness-raising, Community, and Conflict by Yoshi Bird
- Building Community: A Hard Row to Hoe, or Not by Sally Tatnall
- Equality Means Access by the DisAbled Women’s Network (DAWN)
- Let’s Take Back Our Lives! Let’s Take Back Our Funding! By Loonwomon
- Discovering Lesbian Community: Lesbian Feminism to Queer and Back Again? By Jodie Kline
- What is Possible: Mapping Feminist Community Through Feminist Bookstores by Kristen Hogan
Issue #22, Spring Equinox 2004: Open Issue
Featured articles:
- The Connection Between Militarism and Violence Against Women by Lucinda Marshall
- Fighting to Win: Revitalizing Our Movement by Yoshi Bird
- Lilya-4-Ever: The Uncle Tom’s Cabin of the Contemporary Abolitionist Movement by Donna Hughes
- Hey, Hey, Ho, Ho, Ageism Has Got to Go! By Mary Morgan
- Race and Gender: The Co-optation of Asian American Feminism by Sonia Shah
- Stories From the Inside: Barriers to Health Care for Women in Prison by LSPC
- Monstrous by Suzanne Sunshower
- “Ritual Abuse”: A Talk Given at a Local Rape Crisis Line Training by Loonwomon
- A Challenge to the Feminist Community by Laura Kamienski
- The War on Terror Women: Ashcroft Reconsiders Policy for Women Refugees by Jenn Frederick
- Handling Sexual Harassment by Bernice Sandler
Issue #21, Winter Solstice 2003: Annual Activism Issue
Featured articles:
- Perpetrate My Fist! Women’s Self-Defense as Physical Education for Everyday Life by Carrier Rentschler
- Playwrights as Activists by Carolyn Gage
- Sisters in Cinema: An Interview with Yvonne Welbon
- Because Women with Disabilities are…by Jen Robinson
- 10 Reasons for Not Legalizing Prostitution by Janice Raymond
- Criminalizing Motherhood by Silja J.A. Talvi
- Sixteen Years of Radical Feminism by Anissa Ljanta
- Breaking Through: A Rite of Passage for Feminist Activists in Korea by Linda Inson Choy
- Making Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Services Accessible by Sheryl Robinson Civjan
- Toward an Activist Spirituality by Starhawk
- Protesting Sexual Slavery in Berkeley, California by Diana Russell
Issue #20, Fall Equinox 2003: Women’s Health
Featured articles:
- Women, Health, and the Politics of Fat by Amy Winter
- The New Face of Tobacco by Noy Thrupkaew
- “If you’re going to be raped, let me give you a condom”: The Priority of
- Distributing Condoms Over Ending Sexual Slavery by Donna Hughes
- An Interview with Becky Thompson, author of “A Hunger So Wide and So Deep: A Multi-Racial View of Women’s Eating Problems”
- Women, Income, and Health in Manitoba: An Overview and Ideas for Action by Lissa Donner
- Asian Women’s Health: Organizing a Movement by Sia Nowrojee and Jael Silliman
Issue #19, Summer Solstice 2003: Open Issue
Featured articles:
- My Response to the Journalist Who Wanted to Know How the War Was Affecting My Writing by Carolyn Gage
- To Be a Woman by Azra Talat Sayeed
- Not a Fantasy: Racial Hatred and Misogyny in Pornography by Joyce Wu
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome by Paula Caplan
- Feminism in the Transition Home by Pauline Funston
- A History with No Name by Adriene Sere
- Fat Feminist Herstory, 1969-1993: A Personal Memoir by Karen Stimson
- Take Back Our Bodies by Marius Griffin
- Celie’s Revenge: Hip Hop Betrays Black Women by Jennifer McLune
- Reject Red Light Districts as a Solution to Violence Against Women by Suzanne Jay
- Re-Action: A Survivor of Child Prostitution Responds to the GLBT Movement’s Efforts to De-Criminalize “Sex Work”
- Women Against Religious Tyranny by Vickie Sandell Stangl
Issue #18, Spring Equinox 2003: Honoring Andrea Dworkin
Features writings by Carolyn Gage, Gail Dines, Catharine MacKinnon, Patricia Barrera, Ann Simonton, Christine Stark, Janice Raymond (and more!) honoring the powerful and courageous live and work of Andrea Dworkin. Includes an interview with Andrea as well as reprints of some of her most insightful writings.
Issue #17, Winter Solstice 2002: Annual Activism Issue
Featured Articles:
- National and International Action Write-ups for the First International Day of No Prostitution (IDNP)
- Bay Area IDNP Speech Transcripts
- Feminist Activism and Political Strategy: An Interview with Andrea Dworkin
- Saartjie’s Belated Homecoming: Sara Baartman Returns to South Africa by Alicia Banks
- Putting the Politics Back Into Lesbianism by Janice Raymond
- How to Plan an Action by Starhawk
- Privatized Justice No Justice for Women by Suzanne Jay
- 10 Things Anyone can do to End Violence Against Women by Jennifer Howard
- Welfare Warriors’ Fight Back Song/Carols
- An Open Letter to Ms. Magazine by Ann Simonton
- Therapy or Feminism? By Louisa Russell
- The Art of Activism by G. Uhlin
- Justice for Women by Rachel Cooke
- In Review Amazon to Zami: Toward Global Lesbian Feminism edited by Monica Reinfelder, reviewed by Mary Read
Issue #16, Fall Equinox 2002: Open Issue
Featured articles:
- Breaking the Silence on Sexual Harassment by Uju Asika
- Triangles and Tribulations: The Politics of Nazi Symbols by R. Amy Elman
- Economic Globalization Undermines Social Justice for Women and Children in the Global South Nations by Saliwe Kawewe
- 9/11 – The First 14 Days by Elliott BatTzedek
- Skepticism and Surrender: A Young Radical Feminist’s Reflections on Womyn and Mental Health by Karen Hartmann
- An Interview with Andrea Dworkin
- Lesbo Porno is No Go Go by Tamar Eylon
- Women in U.S. Prisons: A Cancer Grows by Cynthia Cooper
Issue #15, Summer Solstice 2002: Lesbian Issue
Featured articles:
- A Radical Lesbian is a Visionary Woman by Chris Sitka
- Lesbians in Japan Now by Machino Miwa
- FTM Transsexualism and Grief by Sheila Jeffreys
- Written Out: How Sexuality is Used to Attack Women’s Organizing by Cynthia Rothschild and the IGLHRC
- Women Who Love Women: Filipina Lesbians Speak Out! By Gurjeet Lovely Bansal
- What’s Up with Lesbian Marriage: Romanticism, Lesbian Love, and Radical Possibilities by Tamara Gorin
- A Lesbian Looks at the Vagina Monologues by Carolyn Gage
- “Our Work is Not Done”: An Interview with Andrea Dworkin
Issue #14, Spring Equinox 2002: Open Issue
Featured articles:
- Something Real: Jane and Me. Memories and Exhortations of a Feminist Ex-Abortionist by Linnea Johnson
- Race, Class, and the Emergence of Black Feminism in the 1960s and 1970s by Benita Roth
- Our Blood, Our Selves by Cathleen and Colleen McGuire
- Not a Crime by Sima Rabinowitz
- Hierarchies of Silence: Deconstructing Oppressions Within Latina Realities by Claudia Narvaez-Meza
- Girls to Boyz: Lesbian Pornography as Self-Negation by Christine Stark
- My Passion for Women by Adriene Sere
- In Review Heartbreak: The Political Memoir of a Feminist Memoir by Andrea Dworkin, Reviewed by Christine Stark
Issue #13, Winter Solstice 2001: Women and Globalization
Featured Articles:
- Globalization, Information Technology and Sex Exploitation by Donna Hughes
- Women as Consumers and Producers in the World Market by Evelyne Hong
- Whose World is This: Racism and White Supremacy in the Anti-Globalization Movement by Walidah Imarisha
- Wild Politics: Inventing a Feminist Future by Susan Hawthorne
- Globalizing from Below: An Interview with Anuradha Mittal
- Report from Uganda Women’s Conference by Megan McLemore
- Spells and Counterspells: Why Act Now? by Starhawk
- The Golden Needle of Globalization by the Women of Color Resource Center
- Neo-Liberal Trade Policies, Women, and the Changing Climate – Drawing the Connections by Tamra Gilbertson
- Pakistan Private Limited: An Acquisition of the IMF and the World Bank by Azra Talat Sayeed
- Rape and Violence Against Women Have Always Been Terrorism: Are We So Keen To Go to War for All Women? A Call on Feminists to Protest the War Against Afghanistan by Nikki Craft
Issue #12, Fall Equinox 2001: Women and Mental Health
Featured Articles:
- The Personal is Political by Sasha Claire McInnes
- Thoughts on Women’s Mental Health by Brenda Wentworth
- The Prevalence of Abuse Histories in the Mental Health System by NAC/SMHA
- The Rape of the Female Mind by Lynann Politte
- Delusional Dominating Personality Disorder by Paula Caplan
- False Memory Syndrome Denying and Distorting the Experiences of Women by Ann Beckert and Sandra Newson
- Women and Self-Inflicted Violence by Elliott bat Tzedek
- Health Experiences of Twin Cities Women Used in Prostitution by Ruth Parriott
- Emotional Health by Karen Henninger
- Letter to a Friend Who Self-Identifies as Sex-Positive by Carolyn Gage
- Mad Grrrls Love Song by Out of Our Minds Collective
Issue #11, Summer Solstice 2001: Open Issue
Featured Articles:
- Beyond Multiple Choices by Rebecca Whisnant
- Letter to My Sister by Francesca Campbell
- The Body is Not a Commodity by N. Marandon
- Cultural Ideology and the Objectification of Women by Melissa Turner
- Into the Night by Loolwa Khazoom
- AIDS Becoming a Women’s Disease by Mithre Sandrasagra
- An Interview with Jean Kilbourne
- Cambodian Women Meet Challenge of Man-Free Society by Hillary Jackson
- Declaration of Independence of a Token Woman by Lynann
- What is Beauty Anyway? By D.A. Clarke
- Remembrance Day for Womyn Raped in All Wars Sexism at the Show: A Feminist Rocker Speaks Out by Patricia Barrera
Issue #10, Spring Equinox 2001: On Art & Creativity
Featured articles:
- Sticking it to the Patriarchy by Anonymous
- Women in Action: Womyntage
- Poetry by Lierre Keith
- She Wanted to Be an Astronaut by Elliot Bat Tzedek
- An Interview with The Guerrilla Girls
- Poetry by Heidi Hunter
- Acceptance Speech for 1996 Nancy Dean Distinguished Playwriting Award Sisters on Stage Lesbian Theatre Conference, New York City by Carolyn Gage
- Poetry by Tina Coggins
- On Life and Art as a Feminist by Monica Mayer
- The Man-Haters by Julie Burchill
Issue #9, Winter Solstice 2000: Open Issue
Featured articles:
- The Color of Violence, by Andrea Smith
- Five Things to Work for Instead of Same-Sex Marriage: A Radical Dyke Experiment for the Next Century, by Betsy Brown
- defining...the violence, the power, by Loolwa Khazzoom
- Maryam Rajavi's Ideology of Liberation, by Donna Hughes
- Poverty and Globalization, by Vandana Shiva
- Sex Radicals: Doing It for Patriarchy, by Delanie Woodlock
- Every 9 Seconds, by Sistah Pace
- A Call to Action to Lesbians Who Have Given Up on Lesbian Community by Ziggy
Issue #8, Fall Equinox 2000: Young Feminists Issue
Featured articles:
- A Call For Young Women To Get Mad! By Delanie Woodlock
- Coming Out Radical: A Young Dyke’s Story by Heidi Hunter
- A Young Radical Dyke Roundtable Discussion
- Surviving Alienation: Strategies for Living as a Feminist in an Anti-Feminist World by Francesca Campbell
- A Real Choice by Charity Crouse
- Menstruation Manifesto by Nicole Seymour
- Purity, Poverty, and Power by Pinko Lesbo
- Victim Politics: The Tyranny of Hurt Feelings by Alix Dobkin
Issue #6, Spring Equinox 2000: Strategy Issue
Featured articles:
- Censored Truth by Ann Simonton
- Basic Steps to Organize Anti-Porn Groups by Chris Stark
- Pornography Debate Distorts Reality by Michelle Landsberg
- A White Liberal Girl by Anna Mills
- Defending Women-Only Space by Carolyn Gage
- Lesbians in Heterosexual Patterns by Antiga
- A Reservoir of Good Will: Report on the August 1999 Radical Lesbian Feminist Uprising Near Kansas City by Susan Wiseheart
- The Emperor’s New Gender by Alix Dobkin
Issue #5, Winter Solstice 1999: Feminist Anti-Racism Issue
Featured articles:
- Welcome to Paradox by Jacqueline Anderson
- Osceola’s Head by Mab Segrest
- State Intervention and Poor People’s Kids: Race, Class, and Complexity by Claudine O’Leary
- King Kong and the White Woman: Hustler Magazine and the Demonization of Black Masculinity by Gail Dines
- Guess Who’s Not Coming to Dinner: A Feminist Reconsideration of “The Dinner Party” by Carolyn Gage
- Identity Politics and Racism: Some Thoughts and Questions by Elliott Femyne bat Tzedek
- In Defense of the Goddess by Miriam Jones